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Pennywise in Exeter: A Student's Guide to the Cost of Living
23rd Dec, 2023

Pennywise in Exeter: A Student's Guide to the Cost of Living

Are you moving to Exeter to pursue your academic career? If yes, then you need to be aware of the cost of living in Exeter for a student. Living in a new country can be stressful and daunting. Especially when you are aware that you are completely on your own and you have to manage your finances. There are several factors you need to keep in mind and work towards. You need to account for your student accommodation in Exeter, your food expenses and your tuition fees as well. You must be aware of what you are getting into. you certainly do not want to be in a situation where you enter the city and have no clue of how expensive it can get.

Exeter today is a popular destination in the United Kingdom. The city has seen a considerable rise in the number of students from all across the globe. Due to this, there has been a massive increase in the number of student accommodations in Exeter as well. Our team has put together data that you can go through to understand what the cost of living in Exeter for a student ideally is.

How expensive is Exeter?

Out of all the top cities in the UK, Exeter is 30% cheaper. Every month you can expect to spend around £800. This is comparatively low in cities like London, Liverpool and Leeds. Kindly keep in mind that the cost of living in Exeter directly depends on the lifestyle you choose. If you are looking out for your necessities then you can easily sail through the month. But if you are someone who believes only in luxury and wants everything luxurious then even Exeter can seem to be expensive. Different localities in Exeter have different costs of living. For instance, student accommodation in Exeter close to the university will be a little more expensive than an option that is further away. Following is the list of expenses based on data from previous years. The average tuition fees in Exeter are around £15,000 to £25,000. You can expect to pay around £450 to £1000 for a decent student accommodation in Exeter. Your transportation in the city can carry between £75 and £100 every month.

Student accommodation costs in Exeter

You will have three options for student accommodations in Exeter. you can either choose to book private accommodation, a purpose-built student accommodation or an on-campus accommodation. Private accommodations are a little expensive as you will have to pay all your bills separately every month. PBSA options are relatively cheap as they have an all-inclusive rent structure. On-campus accommodations are fairly priced but they are first offered to resident students from the UK.

Cost of Food in Exeter

There are plenty of food options available in Exeter. You will find a bar, pub or a dine-in restaurant almost in every part of the city. Again, it depends on what you eat and how much you are willing to spend. At a decent restaurant in Exeter, you can expect to spend £12 for a meal. You can look out for food options that are on-campus or cook meals at your student accommodation as this will be a cheaper alternative.

Utility Bills in Exeter

If you plan to live in private accommodation in Exeter you will have to pay bills every month. If you book a student accommodation in Exeter you will have all your utility bills covered in your rent amount itself.

Looking for student accommodation?

Our support team can assist you for free Book with BestStudentHalls today! Book Now
Student Accommodations in Exeter
Transportation costs in Exeter

The city of Exeter is well connected and has public transport links everywhere. We recommend you use public transport over private taxis as it can help you save some money. Also, consider using a bike or walking your way through the city as much as possible.

Living on a budget in Exeter
  • Cook your meals at your student accommodation in Exeter
  • Make use of student discounts as much as you can
  • Buy second-hand textbooks for your tuition
  • Look out for free things to do in the city
  • Walk as much as you can or use a bike to get around
  • Get a bus pass as this will be cheaper every month
  • Look out for student accommodations that have an all-inclusive rent structure
  • Book your student accommodation in Exeter in time, you can expect to get some good early bird discounts
  • Speak to students around you and ask for their help
  • Research about things through social media and get in touch with the student community
When you are about to begin your journey in Exeter you must have all the information you need. The key is to research as much as you can. For your research, you can reach out to ex-students or join a student community on platforms like Facebook. The more you research the more knowledge you will gain, this will certainly help you in the long run. If you are looking for decent student accommodation in Exeter get in touch with our team at Best Student Halls and we will be happy to assist you.
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